FCC Outs Mystery Motorola Handset for AT&T

Documents on the Federal Communications Commission web site provide a peek at an unannounced handset from Motorola. The XT 1058 was certified with AT&T’s unique LTE bands, in addition to 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0, and NFC — all hallmarks of a high-end smartphone. Motorola has not released a handset for AT&T since last year’s Atrix HD. The most recent batch of high-end smartphones made by Motorola were all sold by Verizon Wireless under the Droid brand. The FCC documents provide a rough sketch of the XT 1058, but no other specific details beyond the wireless certifications.

Documents on the Federal Communications Commission web site provide a peek at an unannounced handset from Motorola. The XT 1058 was certified with AT&T’s unique LTE bands, in addition to 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0, and NFC — all hallmarks of a high-end smartphone. Motorola has not released a handset for AT&T since last year’s Atrix HD. The most recent batch of high-end smartphones made by Motorola were all sold by Verizon Wireless under the Droid brand. The FCC documents provide a rough sketch of the XT 1058, but no other specific details beyond the wireless certifications.

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